Tuesday 11 February 2020

Do you know the names of any of there five Thanet pubs

 Thanet mystery pub 1

 Thanet mystery pub 2

 Thanet mystery pub 3 whoops not a pub, wrong photo view from St George's Church towards Waitrose I think

 Thanet mystery pub 4

Thanet mystery pub 5

A quiet day at work on the bookselling front, but a very busy day on the bookbuying front here at Michael's Bookshop in Ramsgate.

link to the books we put out today

In every sense a day where we spend a lot more money on books than we take selling books is a good day for us. Provided the pricing is right (cheaper than our customers can buy the books on the internet) and the quality is right (books there is a reasonable demand for) a very good day.

The earliest bookseling story I know of is about a Venetian bookseller in the mid 1500s who sold an incunable, (book published before 1501), changed his mind, rushed out of his bookshop, stabbed the customer and took the book back. BTW antiquarian books are books published between 1502 and 1810, books published after 1810 are modern books.

yesterday's answer
Location wise this is where Lloyds bank in Ramsgate is now, Queen Street to the left of the picture, High Street to the right.

I would guess the photo was taken around 1860, the building being a library and a bank.

This building was demolished in 1866, Burgesses Bank in 1849, same building, see map below.

The Lloyds bank we have now

The bit with the Projecting centrepiece with Corinthian half-columns supporting pediment was built 1896.

This bit was built in 1929  the whole by T.N. Wilson. Built for the Canterbury Bank Arms of Canterbury and Ramsgate in centrepiece.

Link to the whole 1849 map of Ramsgate

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Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.