Free styling basketball skills and tricks have been showcased in Ramsgate at the latest Street Hoops event.
Organised by Thanet District Council’s Sport Matters team and supported by Pie Factory Music, Thanet Leisureforce, Thanet Rhinos and Ursuline College, Street Hoops combines basketball and music on the last Sunday of every month at the Ramsgate Sports Centre.
This month’s event, held on Sunday 22 February, included a guest appearance from the ‘Street ball extreme team’, who were on hand to provide the evening entertainment of free styling skills and tricks. It gives young people the opportunity to play competitive basketball in teams of three or five in three different age groups, either 11 to 13 year 14 to 17 years and 18 over. Local DJs from Pie Factory Music create a lively and vibrant atmosphere with new urban music.
Sunday’s event attracted a variety of mixed ages, with the teams battling it out with organised 3 v 3 and the chance to showcase their skills against the UK’s leading free styling basketball team with Big Fen and Con Man, two of the biggest names in extreme basketball (is this right?) topping the bill.
Colin Rouse, who led on the event as part of the Sport Matters team, said: “Once again, the event proved how basketball is developing across the district. It was great to have the street ball extreme team here for the event, to showcase their skills in front of the crowd, and to give the young people of Thanet the opportunity to play against them’ We are looking for more teams to enjoy this session and take part in these fun, organised games.
The next Street Hoops session will be taking place on Sunday 29 March. Registration takes place from 4.45pm, with the event running from 5pm until 7pm at Ramsgate Sports Centre. For more information, contact the Sport Matters team on 01843 577032 or collect a flyer from your local leisure centre.
Organised by Thanet District Council’s Sport Matters team and supported by Pie Factory Music, Thanet Leisureforce, Thanet Rhinos and Ursuline College, Street Hoops combines basketball and music on the last Sunday of every month at the Ramsgate Sports Centre.
This month’s event, held on Sunday 22 February, included a guest appearance from the ‘Street ball extreme team’, who were on hand to provide the evening entertainment of free styling skills and tricks. It gives young people the opportunity to play competitive basketball in teams of three or five in three different age groups, either 11 to 13 year 14 to 17 years and 18 over. Local DJs from Pie Factory Music create a lively and vibrant atmosphere with new urban music.
Sunday’s event attracted a variety of mixed ages, with the teams battling it out with organised 3 v 3 and the chance to showcase their skills against the UK’s leading free styling basketball team with Big Fen and Con Man, two of the biggest names in extreme basketball (is this right?) topping the bill.
Colin Rouse, who led on the event as part of the Sport Matters team, said: “Once again, the event proved how basketball is developing across the district. It was great to have the street ball extreme team here for the event, to showcase their skills in front of the crowd, and to give the young people of Thanet the opportunity to play against them’ We are looking for more teams to enjoy this session and take part in these fun, organised games.
The next Street Hoops session will be taking place on Sunday 29 March. Registration takes place from 4.45pm, with the event running from 5pm until 7pm at Ramsgate Sports Centre. For more information, contact the Sport Matters team on 01843 577032 or collect a flyer from your local leisure centre.
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