Wednesday 29 April 2009

The Gurkhas – to whom we owe so much

Laura Sandys press release

There are few more worthy people of our hospitality and our gratitude as the brave Gurkhas who have fought for our Queen and our country at the side of our armed forces.
It is both dishonourable and unjust not to give them the same benefits and treatment that we give all Commonwealth service men and women, and let them settle in the United Kingdom as valued citizens.

Those who know Gurkhas who have settled in Kent – many in Folkestone – know them to be extremely hard working, aspiring for their children in our local schools and make a very positive contribution to our communities.

Conservatives would allow pre-1997 Gurkhas to settle in this country. We would create a new tier in the Points-Based Immigration System to cover former service personnel.
Our shadow immigration Minister Kent MP Damien Green MP said. “"This is an insult to the Gurkhas. We have said all along that the Government should not try to challenge the courts and they would have done better to listen."

Let us hope that with all the publicity spearheaded by Joanna Lumley and all the political pressure that we are all putting on the Government, that they will reverse their decision. And if they do not have the honour to overturn their decision then maybe the courts will!

Go to the Gurkha Justice Campaign at to sign their petition.


  1. So, how come the Tories did nothing about this when they were in power? Whilst the Labour government has hardly covered itself in glory over this affair, the Tories can't claim to have done anything when they had the opportunity to do so. Sounds like a piece of shameless opportunism to me. But that's all Cameron and his cronies seem to be capable of.

  2. Anonymous,

    Does that mean you will not be voting conservative at the next election?


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