Sunday 8 March 2020

A few mystery photos, yesterday's answers

 Q1 What's happening here

 Q2 When

 not a question

Q 3 What and where in Thanet.

sorry in a bit of a rush today I'm afraid I lost the Margate questions and I just don't have time to start again.

I have to fess up to doing some work today namely consolidating the two art alphabets in the new bookcases.

 As you can see the shelves are very narrow and this means that I can now mix large books and small books without them getting damaged.
It doesn't sound like much but having them in mind alphabet and makes it so much easier.
I suppose in a way they're more shop fittings than bookcases

Saturday's Answers

I think the 1850 that someone has written on this is fairly accurate, the English Heritage listing for the lighthouse says "Lighthouse. 1842 by John Shaw. Cornish granite, glass and iron." the one before it was right on the end of the pier. The ladies hats look to be about 1850

After viable photography locally around 1855 and before the Albion hotel demolished around 1890 some photos show the hotel saying The Albion and some Royal Albion which I am taking as the later ones after about 1870, but this is mostly conjecture.
This is what I take to be a much later view, but before 1890

Above. About ‘72 as the new jetty is being built and the lorry trailer ro-ro is on the “dolphins” and the trailers are on the hoverpad

Below ‘72-‘76 as not all the inner harbour has pontoons. The “Agenor” is on the lowest part of the cross wall so that cars could drive straight off through her side door and the “Autostrada” is in the outer harbour.  Charlie Booth’s crane is working at the forward hold of the “Agenor” to lift VW vans from the bottom deck.

Many thanks to Derek Pettit for the information about these 2 photos above.

 Margate when the sea froze in 1963

This one is from The Mick Twyman Collection and he has date it as 1910, which I think is based on the postmark, my own take is that The Isle of Thanet Trams ran from 1901 to 1937. The tram rails are down and the poles to hold the overhead wire are up but the cross pieces to hold the wires are not there
  As you can see from this picture they stand out. As the clothing is too late for after 1937 it must just before the trams opened so probably 1900 or 1901

In this one the tram line put it between 1901 and 1937 and the clothing closer to 1901

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