Here is what it looks like now, well last year actually link to other photos there then possibly some sort of shop mining operation, I will ask a grownup.
I think Westonville is another name for Westbrook
Possibly when notionaly part of the wild west
Some Ramsgate ones now
All a bit one small area I know, these were on file and organised that way.
Green = dogs are allowed at any time of year
Amber = dogs allowed on the beach but with restrictions
Red = no dogs between 1 May- 30 Sept
Important as dog poo contains Toxocariasis which can be harmful especially young children who like to play on beaches.
Here is the link to it on the council website
Note the two different amber dog beach traffic light stages

This may be also connected with Turner Contemporary presents: Turner & Pooch Dog Weekend Sat 28 - Sun 29 Jul 2018 11.00 - 16.00, Free
To celebrate our latest exhibition, Animals & Us, we’re inviting all dog owners and their dogs onto our terrace for a weekend of canine celebrations.
Find out more here
I skived off this morning and painted on the sundeck of the Pav aka Spoons
where I got papped
well apparently, new word for me
Yep same old, the photos will probably expand fairly well if you click on them.
today's out and about photos link
One day I will master holding the Nikon camera straight but not yet.
Often see you in Margate. Your papped pic is a good likeness. Don't you EVER smile? All those fried breakfasts are depressing you perhaps?