Thursday 21 February 2019

Pegwell History Pictures books thoughts

Having been to Monkton and bought a some books for Michael's Bookshop from the charity bookshop at the nature reserve we were starting to flag a bit. We made for the Sir Stanley Grey at Pegwell.

 The old pictures here are of Pegwell which is a village on the edge of Ramsgate
 It has a history related to potted shrimps
 The main building is the Pegwell Bay hotel and Sir Stanley Grey pub they are connected by a tunnel under the road both shown in the top left of this picture

 Not to be confused with the Belle Vue Tavern shown in this picture before the  Sir Stanley Grey
 You can see from the postmark this was taken in 1906
 Apart from the cliff collapsing there in 1947 the history of how Pegwell attempted to become a holiday resort is interesting.
 We do publish a book about this here is the link to the buy it now page and here a link to some sample pages  although if you can I recommend coming into the bookshop and browsing it.
 This is from Ireland's history of the area 1828 link again  Ireland was most noted for writing fake Shakespeare plays and trying to flog them 
 I had hoped to sit on the sun deck and paint, this is a reall bad watercolur sketch I did from there some years ago
 and a better pen sketch done from there more recently
 In 1842 there were plans to build a huge harbour in the bay

 I think this maybe Pegwell but does anyone know?

 This one 1905 ish from the postmark, Pegwell would have made a goo horse and carriage destination for a short drive from any of the Thanet towns

 Another go at capturing the place, this time watercolour

 You can see the coast guard station around 1900 here 2 copies of this in the post, one is a fairly large file that will expand well when clicked on the other isn't and I can't tell from the blog editor
 I think this is last summer
 This is before much was built I would guess around 1860

 This is the cliff  collapse in 2010
 A couple of William Dyce paintings from around 1850

An interesting aside to the Manston DCO issue it that were Manston to become an airfreight hub it would be illegal to fly drones within 5km of the airport perimeter.
  As you can see this has considerable impacts on drone flying in Thanet. I wonder how local photographers and other people using drones to help their business feel about this. Any thoughts?

Still on the DCO front, I have been scouring the 500 new documents to see if RiverOak's boffins have responded to my questions about errors in their application. The most important one being the distance it takes various sizes of particulate matter to disperse in the air.

The error relates to the number of people who will get dementia and lots of other fatal diseases earlier than they would have done, so it is important.

Work wise the bookshop here in Ramsgate - closed today because it's Thursday - has been busier than I would expect. I think it fairly important to understand that bookshops don't really make money, but I do enjoy working in one.

I think it is much more that the bookshop has become something of a leisure destination, with somewhere you can take most people and all ages for an hour or so that doesn't involve eating and drinking or have an entrance fee, being so thin on the ground I can't say I'm surprised.

Here is the link to books we put out yesterday

A pretty eclectic batch, so you see what I mean about most people.

Next today's photos

    Lunch 2 bacon sarnies 1 substantial pot of tea for 2 £16
Here is the link to the 50 photos I took today 

Sorry I didn't get time to do a painting

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Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.